Friday, March 19, 2010 Music Corner Music Corner
ini acara yang menarik sih sebenarnya karena biasanya artis pendukungnya lumayan bagus. Beruntung sekali hari Kamis lalu, saya dan andy limbong berkesempatan untuk menyaksikannya di Sky Dining, Plaza Semanggi
 ini infonya

I'm really happy because it's the first time, in 2010, I can watch my fav band for LIVE
as you know, I love...
White Shoes and The Couples Company

I like to see Aprilia Apsari, as a singer, with her blue flowers dress and the important things that I love how she makes a beautiful eyes with eye liner :P
She looks naturally and I really enjoy to see when she was dancing. 
Love it!

Let's check this picture, enjoy!

I love her ;)

the other stars are The Cash.

Mereka adalah Desta, Tora dan Vincent (sebenernya dia ada di sebelah kanan tora tapi ga kena foto hahaha )
Actually, they are quite good. I mean they are funny and have good music.

So, thanks to Andy Limbong :)
See you in another Music Corner

I'm Happy