Wednesday, August 11, 2010


HEY HOO.... :D
OK, so where do we start?
My last blog post in March and now it is August. It means it was passed almost five months. Aw!

Beberapa bulan ini memang sok menyibukkan diri dengan skripsi, maklum anak deadline. Jadi udah mau waktunya, dikejar sampe ngos-ngosan, sibuk sana sini, akhirlah sampai pada soft cover dan daftar sidang hari ini. 

Ok, cerita mengenai Twitter. I Heart Twitter.
lama-lama twitter ibarat 'ganja' soalnya bisa nyandu. hihi.
Seru. Menyenangkan. Menghibur. dan tempat curhat :P
yah.. kadang bikin bete karena satu dan dua hal.
but selebihnya membuat hati senang.

ada beberapa akun yang selalu menghiasi timeline gue tiap hari.
 salah satu yang paling menarik adalah..
@fiksimini > ceritanya tak diduga, tak disangka, bisa bingung, bisa ketawa. cerita fiksi mini versi gue udah dua kali yang di retweet (dari hampir 20 x mencoba T.T ya lumayan lah ya )
yang pertama 'lupa' yang kedua seperti ini..
'@fiksimini BINGUNG. Kenapa dompet yang kucuri tadi pagi ada foto ibuku?'
Nah looh.... ;P

gue juga mem-follow beberapa orang yang memberikan banyak tambahan pengetahuan, hiburan, informasi dan sebagainya. 
@panji @ndorokakung @FPIYeah (kocak!) @SarkasTwit @deelestari
serta beberapa teman dan saudara terkasih :)

follow me

 Ow ya , sempat membuat sebuah foto sebagai hadiah ulang tahun temanku tersayang yang ada di Bandung tanggal 8 Agustus lalu.

dengan muka kucel, kusam, dan kumal

Happy Birthday to Winda Astria

  Nite :)

Friday, March 19, 2010 Music Corner Music Corner
ini acara yang menarik sih sebenarnya karena biasanya artis pendukungnya lumayan bagus. Beruntung sekali hari Kamis lalu, saya dan andy limbong berkesempatan untuk menyaksikannya di Sky Dining, Plaza Semanggi
 ini infonya

I'm really happy because it's the first time, in 2010, I can watch my fav band for LIVE
as you know, I love...
White Shoes and The Couples Company

I like to see Aprilia Apsari, as a singer, with her blue flowers dress and the important things that I love how she makes a beautiful eyes with eye liner :P
She looks naturally and I really enjoy to see when she was dancing. 
Love it!

Let's check this picture, enjoy!

I love her ;)

the other stars are The Cash.

Mereka adalah Desta, Tora dan Vincent (sebenernya dia ada di sebelah kanan tora tapi ga kena foto hahaha )
Actually, they are quite good. I mean they are funny and have good music.

So, thanks to Andy Limbong :)
See you in another Music Corner

I'm Happy

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


A postcard to Nina
Nina I can be your boyfriend
So you can stay with your girlfriend
Your father is a sweet old man
But it is hard for him to understand
That you wanna love a woman
Nina I can be your boyfriend
If it puts an end to all this nonsens
First time I see you in Berlin
And you don’t tell me anyting
Until outside your dad’s apartment

Oh God, Jesus Christ
I try to focus on your eyes
We’re having dinner with your family now
Keep a steady look at your left eyebrow

If it’s raised, it means yes,
If it’s not it means take a guess
Hey! You! Stop kicking my legs
I’m doing my best
Can you pass the eggs

Your father puts on my record
He sais: so tell me how you met her
I get embarrassed and change the subject
And put my hand on some metal object
He laugs and says that’s a liedetector

He Takes out the booklet and starts reading
So I heard you’re moving out next season
I say: Yeah, New York is nice that time of year
Almost as green as it is here
He says: I thought you were moving to Sweden?

Oh God, what have I done?
I came to Berlin to have som fun
Then it turned into buffalo 66
On your fathers wall a big crucifix
Guess that’s why he wont let u go
His catholic heart is big and slow
You know I’ll do anything for love
But Nina what were you thinking of?

But Nina I can be your boyfriend
So you can stay with your girlfriend
Your father is mailing me all the time
He says he just wants to say hi
I send back “out of office, auto-replies”

Nina I just want to check in
’cause I think about you every second
So I send you this postcard just to say
Don’t let anyone stand in your way
Yours truly, Jens Lekman

Don’t let anyone stand in your way
Don’t let anyone stand in your way
Don’t let anyone stand in your way
Don’t let anyone stand in your way

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Yes, it's time for 
(Pernyataan Pers Tahunan Mentri Luar Negeri)
I think it's the important day for my internship in Kementerian Luar Negeri
Because it's time for Marty Natalegawa, as Menlu to give like a statement to the media about what happening about the Diplomacy and International Political of Indonesia in 2009

here we go ...

with Marty Natalegawa


with Hassan Wirajuda